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Gender Distribution

The gender distribution of people named Itz globally is 71.7% males and 28.3% females. The country with the highest male ratio is Nigeria with 74.9% and the country with the highest female ratio is United States with 44.1%

Bar chart showing gender ratios of people named Itz in percentages: Globally: 71.7% males, 28.3% females, Nigeria: 74.9% males, 25.1% females, Cameroon: 58.9% males, 41.1% females, United States: 55.9% males, 44.1% females

Age Distribution

The largest group of people named Itz are 18-24 years old, making up 92.2% of people with the name. The smallest group are aged 45-54.

Doughnut chart showing the proportion of people named Itz in each age group: 18-24: 92.2%, 25-34: 6.8%, 35-44: 0.4%, 45-54: 0.1%, 55-64: 0.3%, 65+: 0.1%

The country with the largest proportion of people named Itz is Nigeria with 0.1268% of the population. Following is Cameroon and United States.

Historic Popularity

The historic popularity of the name Itz measured by the global proportion of people with the given name.

Line chart showing global proportion of people named Itz year over year: 1959: 0.0001‰, 1960: 0.0005‰, 1963: 0.0001‰, 1964: 0.0001‰, 1967: 0.0002‰, 1968: 0.0001‰, 1969: 0.0001‰, 1970: 0.0001‰, 1971: 0.0001‰, 1972: 0.0‰, 1973: 0.0‰, 1974: 0.0‰, 1975: 0.0‰, 1979: 0.0‰, 1980: 0.0001‰, 1981: 0.0001‰, 1982: 0.0001‰, 1983: 0.0002‰, 1984: 0.0‰, 1985: 0.0001‰, 1986: 0.0002‰, 1987: 0.0001‰, 1988: 0.0003‰, 1989: 0.0002‰, 1990: 0.0002‰, 1991: 0.0005‰, 1992: 0.0008‰, 1993: 0.0015‰, 1994: 0.0023‰, 1995: 0.0043‰, 1996: 0.0061‰, 1997: 0.0107‰, 1998: 0.0182‰, 1999: 0.0341‰, 2000: 0.0334‰, 2001: 0.0061‰

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